Apply to have 1 page of writing LIVE coached on Suzy's Show, don't Tell Writing Podcast (totally FREE!)

Submit up to 250 words of your writing for a chance to get Show, don't Tell feedback from Suzy.

HINT: Don't submit something you think is great already. Submit that one page where you have a niggling feeling it's telling too much, its boring, or just isn't working.

Submission is not a guarantee that you'll be selected to be coached on the podcast, but if you do, we'll have a ton of fun brainstorming how to make your pages sing with Suzy, and get her always positive, incredibly supportive feedback.

If your pages are selected, you'll hear back from us within 30 days. If you don't hear from us, feel free to submit again with a different page (Please, one submission only within 30 days!).

Show, don't Tell is one of the hardest things to learn to do well - but it can also be one of the most fun. 

All critiques are for educational purposes. You retain all rights to your work.

Check out past episodes: