Join the Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp Wait List

Suzy Vadori's

The 8-week virtual book coaching experience that will give you the EXACT steps you need to crush your writing goals this year.

Get clear on YOUR story.  Get the Inside Scoop.  Get your book done.

Join the Waitlist Now!

Hello, Wonderful Writer!

I know you have an amazing story that you can't wait to tell.

You love to write and have been sacrificing your Saturday Netflix time and maybe letting the dishes sit in the sink a little longer than usual (we’ve all been there) to find time to work on your book. You have some chapters written, or a complete draft, but it’s taking way longer than you expected, and you're not sure if readers will get exactly what you're trying to say.

The thought that it might need a complete overhaul leaves you cold, and you wonder if your writing is good enough to publish. In the meantime, your story won’t let you go. Your characters are egging you on. You have to finish it, but writing your book is so much more than just checking "write book" off your bucket list.

You want readers to LOVE your story, sharing it as a must read with all their friends.

How do You get the EXACT information You Need to Finish your Book, your way?

I’ve worked with hundreds of new and experienced writers, and one thing they all have in common is that aha! moment, when the fog clears and they can see the book clearly that they’re meant to write...

What if I could light the path you will blaze for your writing life, giving you a decade of writing knowledge in just 8 weeks?


Maybe you’ve…

  • Spent oodles of time slogging through books on writing, or spent money on other courses, but got no real answers to the practical questions that come up when you're writing fiction.
  • Found a few writing tools or processes that work for you, but you're not sure how they all fit together.
  • Asked friends, a critique partner, or an editor for feedback on your pages, but their advice is conflicting.
  • Noticed your writing is slowing down. You're just not sure if it's good enough.
Hi, I’m Suzy Vadori!

I’m an Author, Editor and Certified Book Coach. If you have a book you want to get out into the world, I can give you the exact framework you need to make it happen, your way.

I was a business executive for 20 years before finally finishing my first book, The Fountain, which went on to sell thousands of copies and win awards. But when I arrived in the writing industry with a dream to finally write a book, I was appalled and frustrated by the slow pace and how hard it was to find information. Where was the GUIDEBOOK?

There had to be a better, more efficient way to write a book. I spent the next decade studying with some of the best agents, editors and writers in the world, and building the guidebook I wish I had when I started, while helping hundreds of writers learn to find their voice and tell their story in gripping ways.

Today, I'm thrilled to share the exact framework you need, along with practical examples you can use to make your book wicked good.

Crush your writing goals...

It's like I was stumbling around in a temple with a flickering torch -- mostly feeling my way along -- and Suzy turned on the floodlights.

During the Wicked Good Bootcamp, I plotted and wrote a novel applying Suzy's excellent tips, tools, and strategies. I queried this book to a select group of agents and publishers and had a fifty percent full manuscript request and offer rate. I handpicked my dream agent from the offers. I can truly say that Suzy's course was an essential part of how I rapidly achieved this goal.

 Elizabeth Welke, Women's Fiction and Regency Romance Writer


Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp

The 8-week virtual book coaching experience that will teach you to write a book that will get 5-stars from readers.
  • Get clear on the story you’re dying to tell (and WHY you want to tell it), so you can turn it into a book that readers actually want to read, without compromising your creative vision

  • Skip the writers’ learning curve. Get over a decade’s worth of Suzy's insider writing industry tips in just 8 weeks to make your writing as strong as possible (hint: there is so much more to it than fixing grammar!)

  • Come away with a detailed action plan to get your ideal book written and into the world this year.

In Your 8-Week Virtual Coaching Experience, You will get...


  • 8 Writing Modules - Self Directed

    Each week you'll get access to all-new writing lessons, complete with upbeat videos, worksheets, and how-to guides, giving you the roadmap with the step-by-step framework to finish writing the story you feel called to write. $497 value

  • Weekly LIVE Q&A's with Suzy

    You'll have Suzy as your LIVE Book Coach during the Bootcamp! She'll answer your questions about your specific writing project and get you unstuck in minutes, keeping you inspired. $397 Value
  • Access to Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp’s Private, Members Only Facebook Group 

    Interact with an inclusive, positive writing community where you can ask questions, get answers, and meet other supportive writers. Suzy and her team are waiting inside to support your writing journey and cheer you on! $197 Value

    Total Time Commitment – 2 hours per week + your own writing time.

    But don't worry, because you'll never be "behind". You’ll have lifetime access to the modules and lessons, and can complete the Bootcamp at your own pace, or come back to the lessons again when you’re writing your next book!

What if you could catch up with Suzy each week, working on lessons designed to get your book finished...


When I went into the Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp with Suzy, I had a stuck manuscript. I loved the story. I loved my characters. I loved my stupid puns. But it was missing something. The last quarter fell apart and was boring. I got unstuck with Suzy's help, and am developing things into a page-turner full of emotional roller coasters and ticking time bombs.

Now I have a novel I feel confident about publishing.

Jennifer Jennings, Romance Writer, Graduate, Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp

PLUS These Bonuses... 

 Bonus 1 - Wicked Good Advice from Authors ($147 Value)

Includes exclusive cameos and advice from Authors - How long it took them to write their first book, how they got their first break, How they've built their writing career, their best writing advice for you, and more.. 

  • Hugo and Nebula Winner Robert J. Sawyer
  • Award-Winning kids Author and Playwright Marty Chan
  • USA Today Bestselling Author Danielle L. Jensen
  • Bestselling Author Jonas Saul.


Bonus 2 - Pitch Your Book Mini Course ($97 Value)


This mini-course will teach you to  build your perfect pitch that will wow publishers and potential readers. 

  • An overview of pitching to agents, publishers, readers and your community
  • Step-by-Step instructions to build your book's pitch
  • Tips and tricks to make your pitch stand out
Bonus 3 -  Building Your Author Platform Mini-Course ($97 Value)

Even if you haven’t finished your first book, the time to start building your author platform is NOW, so that you have readers waiting for your book when it’s ready.

  • Explore ways to build readership
  • Determine how you want to show up for your readers as an author 
Total Value of Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp + Bonuses: $1432

Your Investment when enrolling in Bootcamp (Limited Time Offer) is Only: $497

Join Suzy's Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp Wait List

You will be added to the wait list for Suzy Vadori's Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp and Suzy's Inspired Writing Newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

I was stuck. Really stuck. My novel had stalled and months had passed since I had worked on it. Suzy's Wicked Good Fiction bootcamp, well, booted me out of my slump to feeling confident about writing as a career. In the 8 weeks, I got a fully realized outline with complex, well developed characters, a new start to my novel full of snappier dialogue and simply better writing. Suzy communicated her ideas in a straight forward manner which worked beautifully for me. If you are on the fence about it, don't be. It is worth every penny.

Judith Doyle, Historical  Fiction Writer,
Graduate of  Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp

Suzy was a blast to interact with. Her bootcamp is full of useful tools for new writers and those rekindling their interest in writing.

She is genuine in her efforts to help writers with an excellent weekly plan. I recommend this class to anyone who dreams of becoming an author.




 Jeff Hudson, Action/Thriller Writer, 
Graduate of Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp

When I signed up for the Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp, I had a completed manuscript that I had submitted to numerous publishers, without getting interest and I couldn't understand why.

Through the bootcamp modules, videos, discussions and supplementary information, I came to understand what publishers were looking for in a YA novel and set about tweaking my manuscript to be more publisher-friendly, as well as reader-focused. 
Karen Petkau, Young Adult Science Fiction Writer, Graduate of Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp


What’s Inside Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp...


 Module 1

What Makes Your Book Unique?

You'll define the 5 key things that make your book unique (your secret sauce!), giving you perfect clarity on where your book is going and outline the steps you need to complete to get it there. 

This module will fast track your writing by reconnecting with the story you want to tell, and giving you specific steps to get it done. 


  • Kickstart your writing no matter where you're at, revisting your inspiration for starting this book and matching this to your writing process.
  • Set concrete goals for YOUR creative life. The book you have exploding in your mind is unique, and your goals should be as well. You'll get specific and inspired to write your book, your way.
Module 2


Whether you love a detailed outline or you write by the seat of your pants, you'll learn the big picture elements needed to write a satisfying story.


  • Use the short and flexible Inside Outline Tool by Jennie Nash, CEO of Author Accelerator to see the shape of your entire book.

  • Inspiring Bonus Interview with Suzy and Jennie Nash included

  • Test links between scenes to keep your readers turning the pages
  • Exploring the elements of a terrific story arc - what do you need and when?
  • Exploring scene level conflict. How to keep your readers hooked with every scene.
Module 3

Make Your Readers Care

Readers need to fall into your book and gripped by it right from page one all the way until THE END. They have to care about your characters.

Module Highlights:

  • Make readers root for your characters
  • Give your characters Agency
  • Make life hard for your characters
Module 4

Beginnings and Endings

Satisfying beginnings and endings are what keeps readers coming back..

 Learn the exact elements you need to have in your book's beginning and ending to hook your readers all the way from Page One to THE END.


  • Learn the relationship your beginning and end should have to feel complete.
  • Test your ideas for beginnings and endings against tried and true elements that will make them pop.
  • Keep it fresh. Avoid clichés that could earn you an instant 'No' from publishers, agents, or readers.
Module 5

Page Flipping Gold

Learn key writing techniques that will light up your readers' brains and keep them wanting to read "just one more page..."

You won't find this collection of techniques in any other course.


  • Control your book's pacing to keep your reader engaged. When to slow down or speed up, and step-by-step instructions to achieve this effect.
  • Keeping your plot and subplots focused. 
  • The average reader can read 150% faster than they can speak. Learn what this means for how quickly readers can absorb your story and how you can optimize.
  • Learn when to give readers information, when to hold it back to keep them wanting more, and how to spot when you're boring them by repeating things they already know.
Module 6

Show, don't Tell

This  is Suzy's favorite topic, and you'll be blown away with how simple she makes this for your writing. This is a deep dive into Show, Don't Tell like you've never seen before.

You'll come away understanding why this concept isnt just cliché writing advice, learn to spot it in your own pages, and practice techniques to suck your readers into your pages..

Module Highlights:

  • Let readers experience your story exactly as it's exploding in your mind
  • Learn when telling is  acceptable?
  • Create vivid worlds for your characters to live
  • Avoid dreaded info dumps that readers skip over
  • Make emotions pack a punch
  • Special Bonus Interview  with Becca Puglisi, International speaker, writing coach and Bestselling Author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels.
Module 7

Don't Annoy Your Reader

This is a comprehensive collection of writing quirks that  clutter your writing. 

Hint: They're technically "correct", but slow pace, bloat wordcount and generally annoy your readers (and by extension, potential agents and publishers)

Learning to spot these issues in your writing and how to fix them will make your writing stronger and let your readers fully experience the story you want to tell.


  • Grounding your reader in a scene. You'll learn the three things you must include every time your story jumps to a new place so that you don't lose your reader.
  • Write great dialogue. Learn the rules, but also how to use them most effectively.
  • Tighten your wordcount by eliminating words you may use as "fillers".
  • Learn to identify "filter words" in your writing that distance your reader from the story and keep them from diving in.
Module 8

Your Revision Plan

In this final module, writers will summarize the concepts they've learned and create a manageable revision plan for their entire book, complete with target dates and specific tasks.

Module Highlights:

  • Testing your book for big picture story elements.
  • Making your voice and style consistent through the entire book.
  • Putting on the finishing touches that will make your book both professional and the best it can possibly be.

Are you READY to get your book done? Join us!

Suzy Vadori's Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp

  • 8 Writing Modules

    Get the inside scoop to make the book exploding in your mind come alive on your pages.

  • Next Level Writing Techniques

    Get Suzy's exclusive collection of writing techniques publishers and agents expect, and your readers will love. 
  • A Step-by-Step Plan to Achieve Your Personal Writing Goals

    Get the straight goods on the writing world from Suzy and other successful authors, and craft your writing life to play to your own strengths.
  • The Supportive Writing Community you've been looking for

    This group of writers is like no other. They are positive, open, and here to support you every step of your writing journey.

You'll be given access to one module per week so that you have lots of time to dive into the lessons, master each new writing concept and ask questions before moving onto the next. You'll also have access to all  the materials after the course ends, so you can access them at any time.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp - $497 Value

  • 8 Weeks of Live Q & A Sessions with Book Coach Suzy Vadori - $397 Value
  • Wicked Good Advice from Authors who've been there - $147 Value
  • Mini Course: Pitch Your Book - $97 Value
  • Mini Course: Build Your Author Platform - $97 Value 

Total Value: $1235

When you enroll, you’ll get access to everything. Your Investment: $497

Join the wait list for
Suzy Vadori's Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp

You will be added to the wait list for Suzy Vadori's Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp and Suzy's Inspired Writing Newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Plus, You'll be Backed by a Risk Free 14-Day Guarantee 

I've created Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp to give writers everything I wish I'd known when I started writing and I am COMMITTED to helping you achieve your writing goals.

The lessons included in this unique course have been curated over my decade of working with experts in the writing industry.

But here's the thing. By the end of these 14 days, you'll have received access to the Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp's first two modules, as well as the bonus, Wicked Good Advice from Authors Who've Been There.

You'll have the opportunity to define the 5 things that make your book unique and map out your entire story BEFORE making a final commitment.

If you don't feel totally confident and motivated by the book idea you'd hoped to write (and your ability to complete and polish it like a pro), simply reach out, show us that you've put in the work to complete the assignments in the first two modules, and we'll refund your investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What people are asking about Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp

Join the Wait List for the
Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp Today

You will be added to the wait list for Suzy Vadori's Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp and Suzy's Inspired Writing Newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Still not sure if this experience is for you?

Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp is perfect for you if… 

  • You have a story you want to share with the world and you’re plugging away at it, but that niggling voice inside you wonders if something is missing. Is your writing good enough? Will anybody want to read it?
  • You’re ready to push yourself out of your comfort zone to make your book the best it can be.
  • You want to pull your book into sharp focus so that readers will stay up all night to finish it, and then lend their copy to a friend.
But if...
  • You are writing just for yourself, and never plan to share your writing OR
  • You are okay with publishing your drafts without making them the best they can be, even if you don't build readership...

...Then Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp may not be for you.

Join the wait list for the
Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp

You will be added to the wait list for Suzy Vadori's Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp and Suzy's Inspired Writing Newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

The Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp was well worth the investment. What impressed me the most was how Suzy and her team really BELIEVE all of their bootcampers will one day be published. To me this speaks so much about the time and effort that has gone into developing the lessons. The live sessions every week are incredible.

I know I am closer to being published now than I was before. Thanks Suzy and Team!!

Jamie Collins, Women's Fiction Writer,
Graduate of Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp

I enrolled in Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp because I  needed a tangible project to get me back to a writing schedule. 

Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp got me unstuck, and offers great resources, tools & tips any writer can use!

I *highly recommend* the Bootcamp to anyone on the writer's path or who wants to join us on the journey of a writer's life.

Eleni Vargis, Screenwriter
Graduate of Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp

I had an excellent time in the Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp working on my first actual novel (that I've been fiddling with on and off for yeeears)!

My story has been stuck in the mud for ages. Through these lessons, I am learning to change my mindset on how to approach writing (hint: one size does not fit all!), and very much enjoyed getting weekly encouragement with Suzy and the other Bootcampers. :D

Kim Claussen, Fantasy Writer
Graduate of Wicked Good Fiction Bootcamp